Voice Enabled


Voice is the next big thing and it’s happening all around us right now. Don’t get distracted with AI. AI will have its time, but voice is going to spread much wider and much faster. Just think about how much Amazon is doing with Alexa and pushing it and how many product companies they’re buying and immediately integrating with Alexa. And then take a few minutes and google “voice is the next big thing”.

Alexa’s cute, but everybody already has superior voice-activated devices in their pockets - they’re called mobile phones. Anyway, we aren’t here to sell anybody - we’re looking for Partners who want to help us snatch the next biggest technological industry from corporate america and silicon valley’s greasy paws.

Right now, WE have the fastest voice-tech on the planet. AND, the most accurate voice-tech. And we also have a few other top-secret pieces of IP tech already made that allow US to voice enable (ie. voice-activate) almost anything imaginable. And, we’ve had it all for most of the last 4 years. To be clear - we can do things with voice almost no one who’s working on it even thinks are possible yet and are still actually trying to do right now, so we have a clear competitive advantage in multiple ways. Note: That’s also why we're currently making and releasing lots of different voice-enabled apps right now to prove it and show people the kind of stuff that’s possible.

After trying to shop our VoiceTech all over the valley for the last 4 years and have them basically tell us they wanted to keep pushing average tech and go about voice on their own, we decided to bring it to the people. We need to balance the tables anyway.

That’s why we decided to basically give it to the world before Silicon Valley and Corporate America exclusively (and solely) profit off yet another emerging, new tech - and lock everybody else out. We have a phased approach planned and we need to do this fast because once they get a whiff of how seriously they are about to get their a**es kicked, they’re gonna do everything they can to stop it.

So, we're taking reservations to license our voice-tech 100% free to the first 10,000 Partners we accept. Send us an NDA (if you want), tell us what you’re thinking about making and we’ll tell you if we can voice-enable it. If we can - and you don’t seem like a crazy, you’re in.

More specifically, we specialize in creating pre-built, cutting-edge technology, software, mobile apps and other IP, so we can typically create most ideas from $3k - $10k by utiling other pre-built modules and tech we already have in our portfolio (see Crowd Kode link below...). These are a couple of our companies: CrowdKode and dev11 Creative.

Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us at partners@voiceenabled.com or Learn more

Voice Enabled